Marine Water Treatment AS
IWTM Group

MGPS / ElectroChlorination
Green marine-growth protection system for seawater piping in ships.

Electrolyzer unit generating Hypochlorite NaOCl by chlor-alkali process with PLC controlled electrolysis of seawater.
NaOCl presence in the water will destroy all forms of marine life.
​Effluence < 0,5 ppm in compl. with:
IMO Res. MEPC 169(55).
Effluent concentration is short lived.
Approximately15 min. after overboard
discharge, volume will be pure seawater.
(NaOCl is an unstable Chl. compound.)​​​

Hypochlorite in the waterflow will prevent slime/biofilm deposits on the pipe wall.​
Pittings/corrosion as a consequence of biofilm is prevented.
Power supply/rectifier Electrolyzer cells Distribution
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....to seachest,
scrubber, etc
0 - 1 500 m3/hr water flowrate
1 - 4 electrolyzer cells.
PLC control monitor and ensures proper running of the process.